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Make the switch to a natural deodorant


As a kid, my mum made me use charcoal and lemon juice to fight body odour. Then, for convenience's sake, I moved away from using this natural method and started buying mass-produced deodorant. Considering deodorant is something we apply multiple times a day and given how well-versed I was in my soap ingredients, I figured knowing what I am putting on other parts of my body and letting my skin absorb was important..

I found out that some of the ingredients included in conventional deodorants like aluminum and triclosan can block sweat and cause pore-clogging. And I also find out that there are various types of products used to cover-up sweat.

Antiperspirant vs deodorant

Sweat “cover-ups” have generally been classified into two types: deodorant and antiperspirant. Deodorant removes the bacteria that cause the odour while still supplying a good scent to help hide it. On the other hand, antiperspirant, which is classified as an over-the-counter drug in Canada and of which majority contain aluminum, functions by clogging the sweat glands, and most contain some sort of deodorant as well.

I ultimately made the switch to natural deodorant and have never looked back since. Here are some reasons why you may want to swap out your go-to antiperspirant for an all-natural version:

Believe it or not, your body needs to sweat!

As already stated, sweating is a normal and healthy process. Sweating aids in the regulation of body temperature and the elimination of chemicals that have accumulated in the bloodstream. Traditional deodorants and antiperspirants are generally loaded with chemicals that tend to block pores and make it difficult for the body to sweat as necessary. Not only do natural deodorants work to deter odour by preventing natural microbes from interacting with the salt and water but it also enables the body to sweat normally!

Natural deodorant has health benefits

Besides being cleaner and safer for the environment, the natural ingredients found in natural deodorants limit skin problems and diseases that may arise from its non-natural counterparts. Natural deodorants do not clog pores, allowing healthy bacteria to continue to function, resulting in less odour than though no deodorant is used.

A variety of skin conditions can emanate from the use of deodorants and antiperspirants.

Antiperspirants work by covering pores to stop sweating, but this allows moisture to pool underneath the surface of the skin. This can result in irritated skin and bumpy skin. They can also worsen your perspiration; sweat is often collected under the skin with healthy, sweat-absorb bacteria, which reduces the body's capacity to digest harmful bacteria, making your sweat smell worse. Also, aluminum compounds can bind to your cloth and cause an acidic reaction, which is why you get the gross sweat stains on your white t-shirts.

Adjustment Period

As with any holistic skincare trend, figuring out what works for you will involve trial and error. Ultimately, be patient! Give your body some time to adjust as when you switch from an aluminum-laden antiperspirant to a natural deodorant, your body goes through an aluminum detox process of up to 30 days. Detox phases, varying from 2 to 4 weeks, can differ according to body chemistry.

Our Lavender & Geranium and Tangerine & Patchouli natural deodorants are formulated with Zinc ricinoleate, derived from castor oil from the seeds of Ricinus communi. This ingredient absorbs odours more effectively than most alternatives in the damp underarm environment. It traps and absorbs odour molecules in such a way that they are no longer perceivable, making it a highly effective natural deodorizer.


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